Takana: Your Ultimate Solution for Pre-Purchase Car Inspections

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Takana-تكانة - car-inspection-application

Inspect and Purchase Your Dream Car Remotely

Takana, founded by Mr. Salman alquraini, is transforming car buying and selling in Saudi Arabia. Our platform connects buyers with sellers and trusted inspection centers, making the process easy and reliable.


Frequently Asked Questions

Takana partners with certified and experienced inspection centers equipped with advanced diagnostic tools. Additionally, we have stringent quality control measures in place to ensure the accuracy and reliability of inspection reports.

Yes, you can choose a convenient time and date for your car inspection through the Takana app. Simply select your preferred slot from the available options, and the inspection center will accommodate your request.

If the inspection report identifies any issues with the car, you have the option to negotiate with the seller or withdraw from the purchase. Takana aims to empower buyers with comprehensive information to make informed decisions.

Takana does not charge any additional fees beyond the cost of the car inspection, which varies depending on the type of inspection and the inspection center. We believe in transparent pricing and strive to provide value for our users.

Yes, you can track the status of your car inspection in real-time through the Takana app. From scheduling the inspection to receiving the final report, you’ll receive updates at every step of the process, ensuring full transparency and peace of mind.

Check and Buy Your Car from Home

Trust Takana for Reliable Car Inspections and Reports

Takana-تكانة - comprehensive-car-inspection

Ensure peace of mind with our professional car inspection service. We offer thorough pre-purchase inspections, ensuring vehicle inspection before buying.

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